
Stafræn hæfni – Vinnustofa (IoT) Tourbit

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Stafræn hæfni – Vinnustofa (IoT) Tourbit

júní 21, 2022@ 9:00 f.h. - 10:00 f.h.

Íslenski ferðaklasinn er hluti af Evrópuverkefninu TOURBIT sem hefur það markmið að efla stjórnendur í ferðaþjónustu þegar kemur að aukinni hæfni í stafrænni tækni og annarri ferðatækni.


Vinnustofurnar fara allar fram á ensku og er dagskrá hér.


The Internet of Things (IoT) offers new opportunities to connect the physical and digital worlds and thereby enables a more direct and active interaction between tourists and their surroundings. 

For example, the technology grants hoteliers the possibility to offer their guest value-added services by allowing them to manage e.g. room temperature and lighting through smart devices according to their preferences. It also allows tourists to engage with the destination and enhance their experience while offering valuable data to businesses and administrations.

In this webinar we will give you an introduction to IoT applications for tourism SMEs and present you two practical use cases for your inspiration.


Interested? Then, become part of the TourBizz Community now and sign up for this free of charge webinar here and be updated on the latest Tourbit actions for tourism SMEs.

You can also directly register and connect to this Deep Dive session through this Zoom Link.


júní 21, 2022
9:00 f.h. - 10:00 f.h.